Njila draws different influences from journeys across the world and with her roots based in Zürich, Luanda and Geneva.  Her world is eclectic and heightened by her curiosityand never ending thirst to discover new artistic horizons.  For Njila there isn’t one type of music or one style:Janis Joplin, Carlos Gardel, Etta James, Tina Turner,Jorge Ben…


C’est à travers ses voyages dans le monde et ses racines entre Zürich, Luanda et Genève que Njila puise ses différentes influences. Son monde est éclectique, aiguisé par sa curiosité et sa soif de découvrir sans cesse de nouveaux horizons artistiques. Pour Njila il n’y a pas une musique ou un style: Janis Joplin, Carlos Gardel,…


É às suas viagens pelo mundo e às suas raízes entre Zurique, Luanda e Genebra que Njila vai buscar as suas influências diversas. O seu mundo é ecléctico, aguçado pela curiosidade e pelo desejo de descobrir sempre novos horizontes artísticos. Para a Njila não há uma música ou um estilo; Janis Joplin, Carlos Gardel, Etta…


Njila encuentra diferentes fuentes de inspiración en sus viajes por el mundo así que en sus raíces entre Zürich, Luanda y Ginebra. Su mundo es ecléctico, afilado por su curiosidad y su sed de descubrir sin cesar nuevos horizontes artísticos. Para Njila, no hay una música o un estilo: Janis Joplin, Carlos Gardel, Etta James, Tina…


Von ihren Reisen durch die Welt sowie ihre in Zürich, Luanda  und Genf liegenden Wurzeln schöpft njila die verschiedensten  Einflüsse. Ihr Horizont ist eklektisch geschärft von ihrer Wahrnehmung und ihrer fortwärenden Suche nach neuen Ausdrucksformen. Für Njila gibt es nicht nur eine Art Musik zu mache, nicht nur einen Stil; Janis Joplin, arlos Gardel, Etta James, Tina Turner, Jorge Ben –…


  Salsa – video by Carlos Fasshauer         2011  Festival Antigel in Living-room dancers, Geneva / CH  created by Nicole Seiler World Salsa Championchip 2010 2010  World Salsa Championship, Vienne / FR with Karim Faïd – Rank: 7th   2009   Swiss Salsa Championship, Baden / CHwith Karim – Rank: 2nd Swiss Salsa Championship, Lausanne…

  Salsa – video by Carlos Fasshauer 2011  Festival Antigel in Living-room dancers, Geneva / CH  created by Nicole Seiler World Salsa Championchip 2010 2010  World Salsa Championship, Vienne / FR with Karim Faïd – Rank: 7th   2009   Swiss Salsa Championship, Baden / CH with Karim – Rank: 2nd Swiss Salsa Championship, Lausanne / CH with…

Tango Concert – 2012

“Njila, has estado magnifica, sensible, auténtica, compartiendo con nosotros la riqueza de tu alma que revela tu voz.” Roberto Sawiki Directed by Roberto Sawiki Musicians: Elisabeth Donni Kocher, piano Michèle Schweizer, flute Chiyo Watanabe, clarinet Serge Glanzmann, violin Anne Willemin, violin Gilbert Hirschy, violin Irène Iselin, cello Laurence Rochaix, bandoneon Invited: Laurance Favre, violin and Alexandre…

Fanga – La force (The Strength) – 2012

 An Afro Contemporary creation of Filibert Tologo  The music of the show is composed by Filibert Tologo and the two musicians: Yohan Jacquier, Claude Jordan   Njila’s voice is recorded in   Farafina & Uabo   she co-created both of these two songs.  Performed in Geneva:  Feb. 22nd to 28th 2012  Neuchâtel: March 24th and 25 2012  …

Cabaret sur glace – 2009

 Cabaret sur Glace is an iIce skating  show created by Corinne Djoungong.  Njila sings and dances in it.  Performed in Geneva: December 16th Villars-sur-Ollon: Dec. 29th   …

Cabaret sur Glace – 2008

Champéry /CH « Cabaret sur glace » is the story of a touching and welcoming cabaret manager who is completely overwhelmed by his artists and employees that simply do as they please. The manager has a great deal of difficulty handling this explosive cocktail of characters.  Indeed, what to do with a grandma ex-cabaret star or…

Soirée Tango – 2014/04/09

Tango concert directed by Roberto Sawiki  La Julienne rte de St Julien 116 Plan- les- Ouates starts at 20h free entrance…

Echos Danses Festival – 2013/04/05

 Njila sings in Filibert’s show   price: 25.- Frs doors open at 19h30 show starts at 20h30 Théatre des Grottes 43 rue Louis-Favre, Genève contact: 078 872 64 17 Echos danses Festival is an african contemporarian dancing festival organized by Filibert Tologo.  …

Fanga – La force (The Strength)

 An Afro Contemporary creation of Filibert Tologo  The music of the show is composed by Filibert Tologo and the two musicians:  Yohan Jacquier, Claude Jordan  Njila’s voice is recorded in Farafina & Uabo  she co-created both of  these two songs.  Performed in Geneva: Feb. 22nd to 28th 2012  Neuchâtel: March 24th and 25th 2012…

Look At Me

 Song written by Njila Performed by Njila    Krudttønden Copenhagen – Danmark…

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Novo denique perniciosoque exemplo idem Gallus ausus est inire flagitium grave, quod Romae cum ultimo dedecore temptasse aliquando dicitur Gallienus, et adhibitis paucis clam ferro succinctis vesperi per tabernas palabatur et conpita quaeritando Graeco sermone, cuius erat inpendio gnarus, quid de Caesare quisque sentiret. et haec confidenter agebat in urbe ubi pernoctantium luminum claritudo dierum…

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